08:46:28 AM
Update Time
Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar Current Time
time zone | Time |
Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar | 08:46:28 AM |
Local Time | 07:46:28 AM |
Current time in Mongolia/Ulaanbaatar compared to local time
Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar - Local Time = -1
Time Zone Difference:-1hours
Time Zone Difference:-60Minutes
Current Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar date vs local date
time zone | date |
Mongolia-Ulaanbaatar | 2025/03/31 |
Local Time | 2025/03/31 |
Where is Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar?
Ulaanbaatar, formerly known as Kulun, is the capital city of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar is located in the central part of the Mongolian Plateau, with a population of 1,444,669 and an area of 4,704 square kilometers, accounting for nearly half of Mongolia's population. The city is located along the Tula River in a narrow and elongated shape, with the Genghis Khan International Airport in Ulaanbaatar to the west and Mongolia's sacred mountain to the south. In the centre of the city are the National Palace and Genghis Khan Square.
European Time
Asian Time
America Time
Pacific Time
Australia Time
Atlantic Time
Africa Time
India Time
Madagascar Morrissey. | Australia - Christmas Island | France - Mayotte |
India -- Cox | India - Mahe | India -- Chagos |
Africa -- Comoros | India-Maldives | Madagascar Antananarivo. |
France - Kerguelen Islands |